The following fees are charged for all types of cases except as noted: One-hour initial screening: $150*
Standard hourly rate: $280/hr
15-minute phone screening: Free
*Initial screening rate applies to mediation, collaborative law and traditional representation. This rate does not apply to kitchen table mediation or limited representation meetings.
Document Drafting (Mediation and Collaborative Cases):
At the conclusion of a mediation or Collaborative case our attorneys can draft the documents or the clients can make arrangements have another attorney do the drafting. The judgment is drafted at the attorney’s standard hourly rate and a flat fee is charged for the package of documents accompanying the judgment.
Judgment drafting: $280/hr
Accompanying documents: 2 hours (flat rate)
In addition to the above fees clients should be aware there is filing fee charged to file for divorce. All counties now charge a filing fee of $260 for divorce cases.
For your convenience all major credit cards are accepted.