Establishing Child Support Orders In Oregon

In Oregon, child support is largely determined by statute. A child support calculator provides a child support amount that is determined using several factors, including parenting time, child care costs, and parents’ incomes. Even though this determination is formulaic, several factors may be considered in deviating from the formula. It is wise to work with our skilled lawyers to ensure that your child support calculation is accurate.

The Portland child support attorneys at Berman Law Center, P.C., have substantial experience working with clients as they struggle through divorce and child custody issues. We understand that divorce and custody issues can be extremely emotional and frustrating. It is our goal to help you reach a successful resolution in the most efficient, cost-effective manner possible. Schedule a screening with a lawyer at our office to discuss your specific matter in more detail.

How The Court Decides On An Amount

Child support guidelines are dependent on numerous factors. These factors must be carefully examined to ensure that an accurate child support determination is reached. The factors can include:

  • Incomes of both parties
  • Medical or dental insurance premiums
  • Education expenses
  • Extracurricular expenses
  • Child care costs
  • Extraneous variables, such as whether the child has special needs

The guidelines are constantly adjusted to account for cost-of-living increases and changes in the economy. Attempting to calculate your own child support figure can quickly become confusing. You need a knowledgeable attorney to guide you through the process.

Contact Us For Assistance

If you have questions regarding child support, schedule a screening at Berman Law Center, P.C. Do not hesitate to contact our office by calling 503-715-2108, toll free 800-282-9288 or by completing our online contact form. We provide a free, 15-minute phone screening, and, depending on the needs of our clients, we can offer off-hours meeting times.